Author: Ma Shuo, Chinese young painter, member of Beijing Artists Association, member of Beijing Lake society Painting Association
This painting depicts a quiet valley in the early morning. The sun shines on the pebbles through the dense woods. Two wild ducks in the clear stream are enjoying the early morning breath leisurely, listening to the sound of the stream water, which makes people feel calm and quiet away from the noise
這幅作品描繪了幽靜的山谷清晨,陽光透過茂密的樹林照射在鵝卵石上,清澈的溪水中兩隻野鴨,正在悠閒地享受著清晨的氣息,聆聽著澗水的聲音,令人感到心如止水 ,體會著遠離塵囂的寧靜。
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