Author: Ma Shuo, Chinese young painter, member of Beijing Artists Association, member of Beijing Lake society Painting Association
This painting depicts the spectacular scenery of Huangshan Mountain in China. Huangshan Mountain is located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province. In 1982, Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area was announced by the State Council as one of the first national key scenic spots. In 1985, Huangshan Scenic Area was announced by China Tourism News as one of the top ten scenic spots in China. In December 1990, Mount Huangshan was included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List by UNESCO. In February 2004, Huangshan Mountain was declared as the World Geopark by UNESCO. Huangshan Mountain is famous at home and abroad for its “five wonders” and extensive Huizhou culture, and is known as “the most wonderful mountain in the world”.
這幅作品描繪了中國黃山的壯觀景色,黃山位於安徽省黃山市境內,1982年,黃山風景區被國務院公布為首批國家級重點風景名勝區。1985年,黃山風景區被中國旅遊報公布為中國十大風景名勝區之一。 1990年12月,黃山被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界文化與自然遺產名錄》。2004年2月,黃山被聯合國教科文組織公布為世界地質公園。黃山以其「五絕」的奇景和博大的徽州文化蜚聲海內外,被譽為「天下第一奇山」。
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